On the wings of the wee early morning arrived a new baby girl. In her eyes still lingered the star light, on her cheeks, the soft tint of a rose. Our newest baby Emma Belle Zweifel born May 22, 2009 at 1:14 a.m.(interesting note, Michelle
said exact same time, she was born into the world) Baby Emma was quite
eager to get here, labor lasting 2 1/2 hrs. Whew!!! At first Michelle wanted
a natural delivery but midway changed her mind but it was to late for an
Epidural! It's like being in the middle of a roller-coaster ride & saying ok I
want off now!! But to late, things were well underway. So she earned her
natural delivery badge!! Mom & baby doing fine. The biggest surprize was
lots of locks of black hair! I think she wins the prize for the most hair! She
weighed 9lbs. Bless Michelle heart, this one is a little armful, but oh so sweet
& cooing already. She'll be a good baby! Congratulations Michelle & Jon &
Welcome to earth, baby Emma! She's #19 grandchild for us. Wow!!!
I looked like I'd just got in from the park with Jathen & Brylee, which is true.
I'd watched the little ones while Jon went in to visit Michelle & then I went when he came home. So don't look at me but at the baby! Ha! But
HAPPY DAY to us all!!!!!
10 years ago