Friday, August 20, 2010

On Thursday it was McCade's 8th birthday. We decided to celebrate by all going to a movie.
He chose Toy Story 4 in 3-D. So there we all were with our glasses. The kids really seemed
to enjoy themselves. I think the funniest part & where the whole audience was laughing the
loudest is where Mr. Potatoe head lost his main body part & had to use a "tortilla" to put all
of his body parts on in order to get around! What a hoot!!! Interesting, what the kids find
Later we made a favorite meal, Chicken Licken Casserole, green beans, rolls, jello & Brittney
made Grasshopper cake as was requested by McCade!! Yummy!!

The kids spied this tortoise & Brittney got elected to pick it up so we could observe it
more closely. Brittney can do it, she's not afraid!!! After releasing it we could often
see it criss-crossing about the lawns, always an object of curiosity! The kids also liked feeding
the fish & "Old Blue" the crab, down by the pond out back.

The kids spend most of their days playing in the pool, brushing up on their swimming skills

& watching movies.