Hurray!!!!! The huge tree that was blown over across our driveway is safely down.
I was feeling bad about probably having to give up $100 to have someone cut down
the tree safely not wanting Kelly to try it after his last experience breaking a foot
while trying to cut down just a limb. So I called several tree extraction Co.'s & guess
what they quoted me $600-$1,000 whew!!! So was I ever happy when Paul's friend
Gary said he'd had a little experience that way & we paid him the $100 to cut it down.
Calvin pulled out the stump with his grader & whalaaaa we've been cutting up wood &
limbs and hauling it off ever since. So the driveway entrance is open again but it wasn't
until after Kelly cut off the bottom limb then braved driving under the rest of the tree
with the car, hanging a far left & only inch or two above the car!! I did not like that!
He can be a bit reckless but the car was spared. Thank goodness, it's a good thing!!
10 years ago