The day finally arrived. Feb 21st for me to board the plane & fly out to Georgia to help Brittney
with her new baby. Earlier that week on Monday, Brittney had called to say they were able to fit her in early & have
the baby induced 4 days before her due date. So we were surprized when she called & said she
was in the hospital & expecting her baby to be born that day. Three hrs. later & another call
& Chris announced that little Madolin Kelly had been born. She weighed 7 lbs. 7 0z., 19 inches
long, born in the late afternoon Georgia time. They said she had lots of black hair, nice coloring
& very cute!! At first I thought she looked more like the Curby-side of the family but now she's
looking more like Brittney. She's a good baby, but she does have a nice set of lungs. Mom &
baby are doing fine.
I managed to drive the kids to Church & back on Sunday without getting lost. You would'nt
believe these roads back here. The name of the road from here to the Church changes three
times & it's only a 15 min. drive. The road winds down & up and around like a cow trail.
Brittney was able to get a good nap & rest while we were at church.
Backtracking abit, I admit I was a bit nervous this time to fly after seeing in the news the
three airplane crashes the weeks before. But I kept telling myself those happened up
north & I was flying in the south of the country. Kelly & I got a little moist-eyed on saying
our good-byes at the airport. Kelly started it! We kinda surprized ourselves. It's been
along time since we've been away from each other for 10 -12 days. But they say absence
makes the heart grow fonder. The flight was a bit eventful. First there was mild turbulence
for 3/4ths of the flight which I'd never experienced before. And the lady behind me got
sick & lost it into a bag. And we had a medical emergency on the plane. A young woman
that sat by me while waiting for our flight had some kind of problem in flight & on our arrival in Georgia we had to sit on the plane & wait for the paramedics to arrive with an ambulance & take her to a hospital. Chris & McCade met me at the airport. They saw me before I saw them.
I was kinda surprized when someone grabbed onto my leg & it was McCade.
Since then Brittney & I have been taking pictures & lovin' this new little one. Friends &
neighbors & relatives have been very kind to bring in dinners, gifts & make visits. It's been
fun getting reaquainted with Brittneys little family & I must say I'd forgotten about the
decibles of noise the little kids can make! Ha! Ha! Will write more later & will have to
post pictures after I get home. I forgot my computer attachment at home.
10 years ago